Submit an event Categories Featured Workshops Tags #cosplay #sciencefiction #scifi 06 5k 5k race 9/11 A Christmas Carol AC/DC Tribute Action Potential Turkey Trot african american history after hours antique market antiques antiques show archaeology archaeology; history; festival; free; kid-friendly art art sale Art workshop Artillery Brewing Co artisan market artist arts arts and crafts auction autumn Back In Black band banjo Barns-Brinton House bass battle of brandywine battlefield BBC Beatles Tribute beauty beer beer garden bees Beginnings – A Celebration of the Music of Chicago Ben Franklin Betty and The Bullet Birding blues book signing book talk books Braeloch Brewing Brandywine Battlefield Park Brandywine Valley breakfast Breast Cancer brew fest Brews at the Battlefield brunch Burr business byo camping CFHS chadds ford Chadds Ford Days chadds ford historical society Cherry Cherry Chester County Chester County Historical Society Chester County Hospital Chicago Tribute Band children chiropractor Chorale Christmas clothing Coatesville Colonial Cook colonial day Comedy Community concert Concord Township conservation contemporary art Costuming THE CROWN crafts crush cancer cultural history daffodils decorative arts delaware history design digital art documentary drinks drum drummer drums Easter educational embroidery entertaining entrepreneur environment escape room estate tour Events executive exhibit fall fall festival families family family day family friendly Family Fun farm stand farmers farmers market fashion Fat Lady Brewing father's day weekend festival field trip film flowers folk music follies food food and wine food trucks Four Fingers Brewing Co Frankie Valli Tribute free free event free lecture fresh produce fruits full moon fun Fun run fundraiser fundraising funk furniture fusion galleries game games gaming garden gardening gardens Germantown ghost ghost tour gifts green guitar halloween Hamilton handmade handmade market Hanks happy hour harvest fest harvest festival health helicopter hike hiking hiring historic house historic kennett square history History on Tap history talks Holiday holiday market improvised invasive plants jazz jewelry Jewelry Class jobs John Chads House Kennett kennett square kid friendly kids Kun-Yang Lin/Dancers landscape lawn lawn weeds leadership Leadership Series lecture legal history lesson Let's Hang On library Linda Ronstadt. live Live at the Fillmore live music live streaming Livestream Living History local local artists local food Local history market Marshallton master Max Weinberg meditation metal mexican american music Michael Harris military Mixed media More Than Just Jazz Standards mosaic Museum museum exhibition music Nate Simms native plants Natural Lands Trust nature Neil Diamond Tribute New Years Eve Newlin Grist Mill nightlife NLOL Northern Open hearth cooking Orchestra orchids outdoors owls Patriots Day Pennsbury Land Trust Pennsylvania performance philadelphia photography Plant Sale plants plein air poetry Point-to-Point pollinators pop popup market produce prog rock publishing pumpkin carve pumpkins quaker history Queen Elizabeth race reenactors revolutionary war rock rock music Royal sack races Santa Seasonal shop small shopping shrubs singer songwriter slavery Sly Fox Brewing Co solo show southwestern music speaker series special event spring spring wildflowers Steeplechase Racing story Story Time student studio success T'ai Chi T'ai Chi Chih tailgate Tailgating talks tavern Tavern Talks teach Terrain Thanksgiving event The Abramson Cancer Center at Chester County Hospital The Crown The Linda Ronstadt Experience theatre Tired Hands Brewing Co tour tours trails trees Trivia Truck and Tractor trucks tweens Tyler Arboretum Unchained: Johnny Cash Tribute underground railroad Unionville Uptown! Uptown! Knauer Urban vegetables veterans virtual church visual art walk walking Washington Memorial Chapel Washington Memorial Heritage Washinton Memorial Heritage water watershed weekend of the arts wellness Wilmington Brew Works wine Wine Tour winterthur Winterthur After Hours Winterthur Museum women workshop workshops worship wreath wyeth yoga yuletide Week Agenda Day Month Week Week of March 16 16 Sun 17 Mon 18 Tue 19 Wed 20 Thu 21 Fri 22 Sat All-day 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Week of March 16 Subscribe to filtered calendar Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google Add to Outlook Add to Apple Calendar Add to other calendar Export to XML