Fall Harvest Festival returns to Newlin

After a three-year hiatus, the annual Fall Harvest Festival is returning to Newlin Grist Mill on Saturday, Oct. 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The last one was in 2019. The festival will feature a variety of demonstrations and displays of traditional skills and trades. This year’s theme, Food Traditions Past and Present, will highlight historic foods and cooking, along with the trades that…

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Concert honors Melton at Kennett Library

The Kennett Library will be dedicating the Melton Terrace in honor and memory of Dennis C. Melton on Sunday, Oct. 1, at 2 p.m. at the \library. The afternoon will open with a short reception and dedication ceremony on the Melton Terrace. It will be followed by a family concert in the Auditorium, featuring music Dennis wrote and songs he loved performing featuring Michael, Donna,…

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PennDOT: Roundabouts reducing fatalities, injuries, crashes

PennDOT has announced that according to department data, fatalities, injuries, and crashes decreased overall after intersections at 39 locations were replaced with 42 roundabouts. “PennDOT is continuing its work to identify and implement innovations and best practices across Pennsylvania,” PennDOT Secretary Mike Carroll said. “I’m proud to see that the data on roundabouts remains consistent on saving lives and reducing crash severity.” PennDOT recently reviewed…

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Battle at Chadds Ford this weekend

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A colonial battle reenactment is planned for Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 16 and 17 at the Chadds Ford Historical Society.

The Chadds Ford Historical Society will be hosting a reenactment and colonial festival celebrating the Sept. 11, 1777, anniversary of the Battle of Brandywine hosted by the Chadds Ford Historical Society this coming weekend. The two-day reenactment/festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 16-17, on the grounds of the Historical Society at 1736 Creek Road, Chadds Ford. Ever…

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Sheriff: More phone scams

The Chester County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents about another round of recurring phone scams involving false fines for failure to report to jury duty or other court appointments. The Sheriff’s Office has received numerous calls noting that the fraudulent calls seeking money are very convincing.  For some, the caller ID shows Chester County Sheriff’s Office. In addition to the caller ID displaying the Sheriff’s…

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Wag & Walkathon for PAWS

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Pet owners take part in the 2022 Wag & Walkathon (Photo courtesy of PAWS for People)

PAWS for People, the Newark-based pet therapy nonprofit, will host its 15th annual month-long, cumulative Wag & Walkathon between Sept. 21 and Oct. 21. Participants can run or walk logging 26.2 miles at their own pace anytime throughout the month individually, with a pet or with friends. The Wag & Walkathon kicks off with a Facebook Live Step-Off on Thursday, Sept. 21. With the theme,…

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Book release: ‘Du Pont Gardens of the Brandywine Valley’

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Du Pont Gardens of the Brandywine Valley

Longwood Gardens has announced the release of “Du Pont Gardens of the Brandywine Valley”, a new book featuring photographs by Larry Lederman and text by Marta McDowell. The book explores the rich history and unique attributes of five former du Pont estates that have become cultural landmarks in the Brandywine Valley, including Hagley Museum and Library, Nemours Estate, Mt. Cuba Center, Winterthur Museum, Garden &…

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ChesCo holds listening sessions for seniors

The Chester County Department of Aging Services will host listening sessions on the Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s development of the Master Plan for Older Adults. This 10-year, state-led, stakeholder-driven strategic plan is designed to help transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for older Pennsylvanians. The Master Plan will also reflect the needs and preferences of this population to live where they choose and access…

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Homelessness increasing in ChesCo

The Chester County Department of Community Development (DCD) released its 2023 Point-In-Time (PIT) count this week, which shows that 436 people were experiencing homelessness in Chester County on Jan. 25. This number represents an 8 percent increase in homelessness from 2022 when the PIT count was 402. The PIT count is a manual census of people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness on one night in…

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Health department holds community conversation

The Delaware County Health Department holding a second round of Community Conversation health events, with one in Chester on Aug. 9 and the other in Concord Township on Aug. 10. Both run from 6- 7:30 p.m. These Community Conversations are an opportunity for residents to share their thoughts regarding community factors that guide healthy choices, existing barriers to good health, and insight for improving health…

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Lafayette bicentennial celebration

Historical interpreters, including Adrienne Lafayette, the Sons of American Revolution Color Guard, and the Daughters of the American Revolution are featured during Lafayette Day at Thornbury Farm on July 29. “The grand national bicentennial celebration of Lafayette’s grand tour of the country as the “Nation’s Guest,’ is just a year away. Lafayette received lavish receptions in Chester and Delaware counties during his visit in 1824…

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