Kennett Twp. cancels meeting

The Kennett Township Board of Supervisors has canceled their meeting tonight because the power is out at the township building. In an email sent out to residents, the township said “We are canceling tonight’s Board of Supervisors meeting due to lack of heat and electricity in the public meeting room. Our township office and police headquarters are on a backup generator.” Items on the agenda…

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Possible raise for supervisors

Kennett Township supervisors will look Wednesday at drafting an ordinance that could increase new supervisors’ salaries beginning in 2026. Under Pennsylvania Act 94, supervisors in second-class townships like Kennett can elect to be paid for each meeting. If approved, Kennett Township Manager Alison Dobbins wrote in a memo, the township solicitor would draw up a resolution that could increase a new supervisor’s salary to $4,190…

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New budget for Kennett Twp.

In a 31-minute meeting Wednesday, the Kennett Township Supervisors approved the 2025 budget, adopted three revised resolutions for KACS, and authorized a pump station project and the sale of public works equipment. The supervisors unanimously approved the township’s 2025 budgets for the general, open space, sewer, liquid fuels, and capital funds. The general fund includes a 0.1 mill real estate tax increase, which is expected…

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Kennett recoups some embezzled funds

Eighty-two percent of the open space and sewer funds embezzled by former Kennett Township Manager Lisa Moore will now be transferred back to those funds, following a unanimous vote by township supervisors at Wednesday’s meeting. The supervisors voted to “close out the financial liabilities” related to Moore’s embezzlement and transfer $642,435 to the open space fund and $446,069 to the sewer fund. The transfers will…

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A clean audit for Kennett Twp.

Kennett Township received its first clean audit since a former township manager’s embezzlement of more than $3.2 million was discovered. “We have been on a multi-year journey to recover from the fraud for which Lisa Moore, former township manager, pled guilty to multiple felonies and served time in jail,” Kennett Township Treasurer and Finance Director Amy Heinrich wrote in a memo to the supervisors. “2023…

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Tax increases in Kennett Twp.

The Kennett Township budget is available for public review and comment until Dec. 4. That is the date of the next supervisors’ meeting, at which time the board is expected to formally adopt the 2025 budget and tax rates. The budget documents, presentations, and other supporting data can be found on the Kennett Township website ( in the Document Center section. The preliminary budget, authorized…

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Bennett replaces Merhar in Kennett

The Kennett Township Board of Supervisors officially thanked one member of the Historical Commission and welcomed a new commissioner at the board’s meeting Wednesday night. The supervisors presented a certificate of merit to longtime commission member Judy Merhar, who has spent 20 years working to preserve the township’s history and is resigning before her term is up. They also unanimously approved township resident Tina Bennett…

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Kennet Twp. to plow some state roads

Kennett Township snowplows will be clearing the way on Kaolin and Creek roads and Old Kennett Pike this winter, thanks to an agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The township supervisors approved a resolution Wednesday that would allow for a “Supplemental Winter Maintenance Services Agreement” permitting Kennett’s public works department to clear snow and ice from those three state-owned roads and compensating them an…

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Kennett Twp. gives Medal of Merit

The Kennett Board of Supervisors awarded the township’s outgoing planning and zoning director with the first Kennett Township Medal of Merit. The presentation happened at the July 17 meeting, when the board also approved a resolution that created the medal. Hicks will receive the medal after serving as the planning and zoning point-person for the last 10 years. “Whereas in recognition of 10 years of…

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Former PC member honored in Kennett

The Kennett Township Planning Commission honored former member and current supervisor Pat Muller at the July 17 supervisors’ meeting. Muller was elected to the three-member board of supervisors last year and took office in January. In her speech thanking the planning commission, she stressed the importance of residents’ involvement in shaping the future of the township. “It is so important to just have regular people,…

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5-year-old drowns in pond

A 5-year-old autistic boy drowned in a pond in Kennett Township on Monday afternoon, April 29. “The detective from the Kennett Township Police Department and the Chester County Detectives are investigating the facts and circumstances that led to the boy’s death,” according to a press release. Kennett Township Police said they would not release the boy’s name until “all next-of-kin notifications have been made.” The…

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