A newly amended sign ordinance
in Chadds Ford Township sets parameters on billboards and dynamic signs.
Supervisors passed the measure 3-0 during their June 1 meeting after a
five-minute hearing.
The document says the purpose
is to preserve the historic nature of the township, as well as create a
desirable environment for residents and businesses.
Billboards are permitted only
in the B-1 and PBC-1 zoning districts as special exceptions granted by the
Zoning Hearing Board. Only one billboard is permitted on a given property.
Also, a $25,000 deposit must
accompany the application for a billboard of more than 50 square feet. The
money will be put in escrow to cover possible removal of the billboard.
There are more than two dozen
requirements for billboards.
Dynamic signs—those with LEDs
or similar technology that have video-like messages or messages that
change—also face a series of restrictions.
They are prohibited in
residential districts and must be equipped with day/night dimming capabilities
and the display must not change more than once every five minutes. Messages
must be shown in complete form and not require a cycle change for anyone to read
the message. There may be no scrolling.
The amended ordinance also
covers illuminated, political and temporary signs. There is also a list of 10
general prohibitions.
Other business
Pennsylvania State Police Tpr.
John Hanosek told the board that the theft of catalytic converters from
cars—especially from SUVs—is on the increase. He said the thieves want the
platinum from the converters and is advising anyone to call the police if they
see people crawling under cars as if they were working.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.