Concord Township is working on its Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan and wants input from the community to allocate resources best. To do so, the township will be conducting a public outreach survey.
According to township engineer Nate Cline, the survey will be on the township website and social media within the next few days. "We want as much feedback as possible."
Cline said during the March 2 Concord Township Council Meeting that the project is funded by a Department of Conservation and Natural Resources grant “mostly funded by the state.”
“We’re in the homestretch. We’d like to wrap this up by summer… One of the last aspects is public outreach,” Cline said.
He said the survey is set up similar to one done this past fall regarding pedestrian improvements along Routes 1 and 202 that resulted in good feedback from residents. Participants in the survey will be able to answer questions and rank their choices.
“This will help us pull [the plan] together. We think this will help us bring this rec and open space plan study to a head and help prioritize goals and objectives so we can bring this to a draft report to our steering committee [of residents and elected officials] in the next month or two,” Cline said.
He repeated the desire for as much input as possible. The township will also be using email to get the word out, and Cline said he wants people to make sure they send it to their neighbors so that everyone has a chance to take the survey so the township can get as much feedback as possible.
“There’s no bad feedback; it’s all good,” he said.
Other business
Council Co-Vice President John Crossan announced Pennie Scott's resignation from the Historical Commission and read a resolution in recognition of her years of service to the township — including time spent on the Planning and Land Planning commissions — since 1994.
The resolution cites Scott’s work in developing the Historic Preservation Ordinance that created the Historical Commission and noted that she was acknowledged in 2003 by the Delaware County Heritage Commission with the Historic Preservation Award.
Crossan also thanked Scott personally, saying it was a pleasure working with her, calling Scott “a wealth of knowledge...There’s no one who knows and appreciates the history of Concord better than Pennie.”
John Gillespie, the other co-vice president, echoed Crossan’s comments, saying he served with Scott on the Planning Commission when he got involved with the township.
“I’m very aware of her accomplishments and what she has done for our township. I’m sorry to see her leave,” Gillespie said.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.