You know the holidays are around the corner when the art and artisan shows start popping up on the weekends. Art is always the best gift, and there are so many places to buy that special hand-made work of art every weekend during the month of November!
The Annual Unionville Art Gala at Unionville High School in Kennett Square is Friday November 17th 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday November 18th from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. A percentage of the proceeds from the art sales goes to support the academic programs and projects for student at the high school, and this year's featured artist is the delightful painter MaryAnn Weselyk. MaryAnn is also the featured solo artist at Church Street Gallery in West Chester where she has had an extremely successful show all month!
What is most unusual about the Unionville Art Gala is that 1/2 of the show is devoted to student art - many student artists are showing for the very first time, alongside established career artists - how cool! I ran this show for many years and was always amazed at the artwork that came from both the young students and the local artists of our area. Unlike many established shows, this is a place where many artists have their very first show - a fantastic encouragement to creativity and the local arts!
There are almost 100 artists displaying their art, students artists, a silent auction and also a big shindig of an event with free catered food, live music and a great party atmosphere on Friday. Saturday is a great time to bring the whole family and figure out what artwork you would like to purchase. A great annual event, The Unionville Art Gala is a must-go-to for November!! Go to or www.facebook/UnionvilleArtGala for a listing of the artists and a description of the big art event.

Another terrific multi-artist event is The Haverford Guild of Craftsmen Fine Arts and Crafts Show at the Agnes Irwin School is November 18th 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and November 19, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are too many artists to list, but here is a sampling: paintings by Madeleine Kelly, Sue Stefanski, and Deena Ball, fiber arts by Kathryn Pokalo and Patrick Carrow, jewelry by Caryn Hetherston, Carol McGarvey, Sharon Morse, Maxine Burkholder, and Elizabeth Coats, ceramics by Phyllis Aaron, Peter Cunicelli, Annette Debevec, and Marsha Dowshon. Go to the website to see a complete listing of the artists and examples of their beautiful work.

This weekend Galer Estate Vineyard and Winery happily celebrates their 6th Anniversary with an all weekend long pop up show by local celebrated painter John Hannafin, who will include newly painted images of the winery and vineyard. The painting show starts Friday November 17th and continues through Sunday November 19th, with live music every day, plus food offerings, winery tours and raffles. The following Thanksgiving weekend, November 24 to 26, 23 artists show at Galer Estate Vineyard and Winery for "Lele Galer and Friends"; with sculpture, paintings, drawings, ceramics and jewelry made by wonderful people and terrific artists. The closing artist reception will be Sunday November 26th starting at 3 p.m. Galer Estate Vineyard and Winery is located just behind Longwood Gardens, at 700 Folly Hill Road in Kennett Square.
Stay tuned on Wednesday November 15th from 1 to 1:30 p.m. when I will be interviewing artists Robert Jackson and Mark Dance and Mala Galleria owner Stella Scott on Art Watch Radio, WCHE 1520, to chat with them about their new shows. November 22, wine expert Denise Gardner and Galer Estate winemaker Virginia Mitchell interview guests about the art of wine.
November 29, I will be talking with Vickie Manning of Somerville Manning Gallery in Greenville and her artists for the month of December: Greg and Jon Mort. Check out Art Watch radio every Wednesday when various guest hosts interview and chat with the movers and shakers in our local art world, WCHE am radio 1520 form 1-1:30. For past broadcasts go to

About Lele Galer
Lele Galer is an artist who has chaired numerous art shows, taught art history and studio art, public art and has chaired, written and taught the Art in Action Art Appreciation series for the UCFD schools for the past 12 years. She worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and wrote for the Associated Press in Rome. She has been dedicated to Art History and art education for most of her adult life. Lele and her husband Brad own Galer Estate Winery in Kennett Square.
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