In an ongoing quest to involve the public in future plans for a new building, the Kennett Library will host a presentation on Tuesday, Nov. 15, to update residents on the project’s progress.

This past summer, the board received approval from the eight municipalities it serves – Kennett Square Borough and East Marlborough, Kennett, Newlin, New Garden, Pennsbury, Pocopson, and West Marlborough townships – to determine the feasibility of combining some borough functions with the library in one new building.
With partial funding through a Vision Partnership Program grant from Chester County, the board hired Lukmire Partnership, an architecture firm that specializes in building libraries, to assess the requirements for a new library building – including the efficacy of sharing space with the borough.
Since then, Greg Lukmire and Toni Garvey, a former librarian and consultant for Providence Associates, have been working to solicit input from residents. On Thursday, Oct. 13, they led a daylong series of sessions aimed at learning what the community would like to see in a new facility.
Although most library users appear to agree that the library has outgrown its present location in the 200 block of East State Street in Kennett Square, opinions differ on what a new library should look like and how it should function. In addition to meeting with residents, the library’s “visioning team” prepared a survey that can be filled out online or in person at the library.
On Tuesday, Nov. 15, the team will meet with residents at 7 p.m. in the Monroe Nute room of the Kennett Fire Company at 301 Dalmatian Street in Kennett Square. The planners will present the preliminary results of community input from the first series of visioning sessions. In addition, the architects will discuss initial space planning concepts for the new library, borough offices and community center that they developed from their survey of library needs and the community’s survey responses.
The architects will also present initial “blocking and stacking” diagrams depicting how the new building fits on the proposed tract, a borough-owned property known as the Weinstein lot, located at the intersection of East State and South Willow streets. Finally, they will open the discussion for questions and comments from the public.
Earlier in the day, students in sixth through 12th grade are invited to share their their visions for a new library. Their brainstorming session will begin at 4 p.m. at the library.
Anyone who hasn’t yet accessed the survey is urged to do so here. For more information about the Kennett Library, call 610-444-2702 or visit
