CFHS camps: Tea, bread, cheese and more

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The Chadds Ford Historical Society is offering two different summer camps for children this year.

The Chadds Ford Historical Society is excited to announce two different summer camps this year, one a returning favorite and the other an inaugural offering.

The American Girl™ Doll Camp will return for two sessions. Learn about history through the eyes of Kaya, Felicity, Josefina and Addy. Camp activities include sewing, weaving, woodworking, cooking, dress-up, candle-making, Colonial games and more.

Participants will end the camp with a special tea party. Recommended for children starting second grade (age 7 at start of camp) or older. The sessions will run from June 20 to June 24 and July 25 to July 29 (already sold out; however, a waiting list has been started). The camp runs from 8:45 a.m. to 2 pm. The cost is $225 for non-members and $200 for members. For further information and to download a registration form, click here.

The second offering is the debut of the Hands-On History Summer Camp. Learn how to paint like Andrew Wyeth for a day, bake in a beehive bread oven, talk to an African American soldier who “fought” in the Revolutionary War, and learn how to make your own cheese from a local farmer. Campers will experience the heritage of the area through special guided tours, interactions with living historians, outdoor painting, craft activities, and more.

Participants will end the camp by putting together their own “mini-exhibit” display. Recommended for children starting third grade or older (8 years of age to start the camp). The session will run from Aug. 8 to Aug. 12 from 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $225 for non-members and $200 for members. For further information and to download a registration form, click here.

For more info on the Chadds Ford Historical Society or on the summer camps, call 610-388-7376, email [email protected] or visit

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