Chadds Ford Township honored the late Bill Delany during the July 1 Board of Supervisors’ meeting. Delany died April 1.
Friend, Civic Association and Planning Commission member Tom Kerwin read a proclamation on behalf of the supervisors praising Delany for his volunteer efforts as president of the Civic Association and as the head of the Citizens Emergency Response Committee.

Supervisors’ Chairman Frank Murphy told members of Delany’s family that he still hasn’t gotten over the loss.
Kerwin said the township wanted Delany's children to know how much their father was appreciated.
Prior to the meeting, supervisors opened a hearing for a proposed text amendment that, if approved, would allow for assisted living facilities in the B-business district with conditional-use approval.
The amendment is proposed by Ed Morris who wants to build an assisted living facility along Route 202 on the 2.3-acre site that was once the home of C Harry B 4 U Buy.
Morris said both the Delaware County and township Planning Commissions recommended approval.
Supervisors continued the hearing to 6:30 p.m. before the Aug. 5 supervisors’ meeting.
Other business
• Supervisors, in a 2-0 vote, formally appointed Tom Nelling as the township fire marshal. Nelling is the fire chief of the Concordville Fire Co. and the fire marshal and police chief in Birmingham Township. Nelling replaces Mike Daily.
• Murphy said the township is still planning a meeting with PECO to facilitate restoring power quickly in the event of future storms that bring down power lines.
Supervisor George Thorpe said some properties were still without power from the June 23 storm. He also said residents should call 9-1-1 when storms bring down trees and close roads. Emergency responders need the information so they avoid excessive delays if a tree should be in the way.
• Thorpe also announced that the Brandywine Battlefield Park earned a Reader’s Choice Award from the Philadelphia Inquirer and that there will be Wineberry Days at the park the weekend of July 17, 18 and 19. Wineberries, Thorpe said, are the name early colonists gave to a type of red raspberry. He said there are hundreds of wineberry bushes at the park and visitors will be able to pick their own berries during the event.
• The township will hold a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. before the July 8 Planning Commission meeting. The special meeting will include supervisors, Planning Commission members and developers who will discuss sketch plans and other ideas regarding properties in the township. Murphy said the meeting is not official and that no official proposals will be discussed.
• Supervisors tabled a proposal to advertise a hearing for a proposed new noise ordinance. Murphy said the ordinance isn't ready.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.