While it’s easy to think that animals are immune to cold because of their fur, the fact is that more dogs perish in the winter than at any other time of the year, according to the Pennsylvania State Animal Response Team.
Some are better equipped to handle the cold weather than others. By taking a few precautions, pet owners can keep their animals safe this winter.
- Beware of cold temperatures.
- Watch for signs of frostbite and injury.
- Keep an eye out for hypothermia.
- Eliminate the possibility of poisoning.
- Keep older, arthritic pets inside.
- Provide a protective shelter.
- Supply fresh water.
- Provide an appropriate amount of food.
- Keep your dog on a leash.
- Don’t leave your dog inside of a parked car.
PASART recommends keeping a pet emergency kit with your family’s emergency supplies. Use plastic zipper bags to protect the items.
Items should include a collar with ID tags and sturdy leash; any pet medications; photocopies of health records and a recent photo taken of you with your pets; first-aid supplies, including bandages, tape, tweezers and antibacterial ointment (ask your vet for recommendations); a secure, covered carrier/crate, which is large enough for your pet to turn around; favorite toy or bedding (to help reduce the stress of unfamiliar surroundings); and cleaning supplies and disposable trash bags or newspaper for cleanup.
The Pennsylvania State Animal Response Team is a private nonprofit that receives the majority of its funding from the federal government through the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA). One of its initiatives was the formation of County Animal Response Teams (CART) , which consist of volunteers from all walks of life - from experienced emergency responders to residents concerned about the welfare of animals.
For more information regarding CARTs in Pennsylvania, visit www.pasart.us.
