I want to thank the Board of Supervisors for their recent statements as reported in Chadds Ford Live indicating that the implementation of the proposed Loop Road Overlay District is being delayed while traffic and other impact studies are completed. As you know I have raised a number of issues and concerns about the Loop Road Overlay District at public meetings and in prior letters, including the danger of rezoning too much of the Township at one time.
When I wrote to you several months ago about this issue, I also raised concerns about the Loop Road and its potential detrimental impact on residents of this Township, specifically those who reside in Painters Crossing and the Estates at Chadds Ford. I am concerned that the proposed Loop Road will have the effect of placing the equivalent of a highway a mere stone’s throw from resident’s bedrooms in the residential properties in Painters Crossing. It could bring high-volume, high-speed traffic to the only entrance and exit for the residents of the Estates at Chadds Ford. While overall traffic flow at the intersection of Route 1 and 202 might be improved, the detriment to the residents in the area of the Loop Road will almost certainly be dramatic and negative. I strongly urge that other solutions be considered, if any change in traffic pattern is necessary at all.
- There is a connection between Route 1 and 202 that is used every day - Dickinson Drive. Improvements to this road might be considered; perhaps a traffic light could be installed. I am aware of opinions that PennDOT won’t approve a traffic signal; however, there are many places along US 1, in both Delaware and Chester County where there are multiple lights in short stretches.
- Perhaps a traffic circle could be installed at the bottom of Dickinson where it connects with Hillman - keeping traffic moving and permitting the Estates at Chadds Ford to have clear access out of the area. Altering Dickinson Drive would keep traffic in the business campus and as far away as possible from residential areas.
- Another option would be to construct road improvements on the southwest corner of the Route 1 and 202 intersection by adding extended turn lanes to head south on Route 202. While legal and engineering work would have to occur before any of these options is considered, I believe it is vital to fully consider all options before moving forward with such a major project as the Loop Road.
I suggest these options not to promote them but merely to submit that there may be alternatives to the Loop Road which would have less impact on existing residential areas. I am sure there are other ideas and perhaps we can begin a broader community wide conversation about the traffic and congestion issue in Chadds Ford and surrounding areas.
Next, it is my understanding that the Board is considering making text amendments to the Township Zoning Ordinances as an alternative to proceeding with the Loop Road Overlay District. I also understand that these text amendments would allow for uses such as the YMCA proposed for the corner of Dickinson and Hillman Drives, the Hovnanian townhome project proposed for the corner of Route 1 and Brandywine Drive and perhaps other upcoming projects in that area such as an Extended Stay Hotel on the southern side of Route 1. I strongly urge the Board to hold hearings on the exact language of any proposed text amendment to ensure that all consequences - both intended and unintended - are considered and understood by Township residents. For instance:
- At recent Planning Commission meetings that I have attended, representatives from the YMCA commented that it would be necessary for incoming and outgoing traffic to access Hillman Drive due to the slope and grade of Dickinson Drive. I respectfully submit that if the YMCA is permitted to be built, traffic access onto Dickinson Drive (rather than Hillman) should be considered as part of any review. The impact that hundreds of daily car trips to and from the YMCA would have on the entrance to the residential community of the Estates at Chadds Ford is substantial. Perhaps the aforementioned traffic circle at Dickinson and Hillman Drives could be considered as part of designing an entrance and exit to the YMCA, or any development permitted in that location.
- Concerning the Hovnanian townhome project, the addition of over 120 houses would in all likelihood bring a number of new students into the School District. The ability of Chadds Ford Elementary in particular to absorb these students must be considered, as well as bus schedules for all students in Chadds Ford. Traffic onto Route 1 would have to be considered, which is why I have urged for traffic studies to be completed.
- I believe it is essential that any Zoning Ordinance text amendments which will allow for development uses by right (where previously a Zoning Change Hearing would have been required) be predicated on the assurance that none of the pending proposals would require the later construction of the Loop Road. These current, proposals include the YMCA, the Hovnanian townhomes, and the previously mentioned concept of the Extended Stay hotel for Hillman Drive. All projects must be independently considered on their merits, which must include the impact on existing residents.
In my years as a Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board member, as a former official in another township, and as an engineer and an attorney, I have learned that a project must be reviewed on many levels and from many angles. The unintended consequences have to be considered. Once a Loop Road, new townhouses, and other projects are built there is no going back.
As you know, when combined with the proposed development of the Woodlawn Trustees land (south on 202 in Concord Township), proposed townhouses on Spring Valley Road in Concord Township, and other pending developments being considered in Chadds Ford, the traffic impact on our Township in the next five years could be overwhelming. I thank the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission for their consideration of these issues. I am happy to volunteer to assist in any way I can to work on these projects which are critical to the future of Chadds Ford. Again, thank you for suspending the implementation of the Loop Road Overlay District.
Frank Murphy
Chadds Ford Township
Frank Murphy is a candidate for township supervisor
