Local artist defines light, not his style

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Local artist Robert Stack doesn’t put a label on his style of painting.

“It’s sort of whatever I see, different things I like, [things] that just sort of hit me a certain way,” Stack said during the opening of Defining Light, his new exhibit at the Chadds Ford Gallery running through Oct. 28.

The exhibit captures those things he‘s seen from the greater Chadds Ford area, Delaware and Maine.

Stack might not paint the scene immediately after he sees it. Sometimes he won’t begin until years later. The recall of the actual scene combined with a new thought will trigger the painting, he said.

He said he likes imbuing his images with warm shadows and, while most watercolorists work from light to dark, Stack reverses that, going from dark to light.

According to Chadds Ford Gallery Director Barbara Moore, this gives Stack’s colors a different quality, especially the whites.

Moore said Stack paints in his own style, what she considers to be a cross between impressionists and realistic. His use of gouache — the use of pigments ground into water and then thickened — makes his style unique, she said.

“He has a unique way of using light with the gouache material,” she said.

Moore added that his horse figures are “perfect and he gives us a nice variety of the area and Maine.” Almost half of the 30–plus paintings include horses.

Stack also reveals a sense of humor with his titling. One image — that of a group of terns in a circle — is called “Tern Round.”

Photo caption: Artist Robert Stack discusses his work with visitors to the Chadds Ford Gallery during the opening reception of his exhibit Defining Light. The exhibit runs through Oct. 28. (Photo by Rich Schwartzman)

Tern Round by Robert Stack

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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