Night scenes and skyscapes come
alive during the exhibit “Nocturne” showing at the Chadds Ford Gallery through
Feb. 26.
The exhibit includes works from
more than 20 artists and continues the gallery’s trend during the last few
Februaries of have a themed show, not an exhibit of a single artist. “Nocturne”
is definitely outside the Brandywine Tradition.
Gallery owner Jackie Winthur
said it’s one of the best shows in years.
“Nocturne is a celestial show
with a night time sky and starry sky type of theme. It’s one of the best shows
we’ve ever had.”
She said the reasons for the
high quality are the artists themselves and the subject matter. “It’s just
Gallery Director Barbara Moore
is equally impressed.
“It’s just remarkable,” Moore
said. “As you walk around you can see the different styles of the theme…It’s
wonderful, their renditions of things.”
Those renditions range from
realistic, to fanciful to abstract.
“Each one is different. They
stand out,” said Moore. “…It’s just unique. It’s soft, not edgy. It’s clean.
It’s a beautiful exhibit."
Moore joked that not only were
they continuing to break tradition with a themed February show, they also broke
the mold by not have a snowstorm during the opening.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.