Stop the train! Unionville-Chadds Ford School District continues its headlong rush to approve a $120 million outlay for a new middle school next month, despite a financial analysis that remains deficient. Chadds Ford Live did an excellent job of reporting the concerns I expressed about the district’s faulty numbers at the Jan. 6 school board meeting. Some progress has been made in addressing them, but it is two steps forward, two steps back.
In the presentation on the board’s website, there are two new, major errors. The first is that the annual dollar impact on the typical taxpayer is understated by nearly half. The second is that the cost/benefit of delaying the project by three years is completely miscalculated. The presentation shows that it will cost an additional $10 million (net present value) to delay the project. The correct number is that there would be a benefit of at least $5 million. This is a $15+ million swing. In my opinion, either of these might be enough to sway the decision.
The administration and board need to pause, regroup, do the analysis, and conduct another public meeting to seek input. Continuing on the current course is irresponsible and disrespectful of residents who deserve the opportunity to have a full understanding of the project, and provide their input before such an important decision is made.
Mark Stookey
Chadds Ford Township
