Chadds Ford seeks gaming grant

Supervisors in Chadds Ford Township voted to apply for an LSA Grant for the Chadds Ford Historical Society.

LSA — or Local Share Account — is "a program that distributes gaming revenues to support projects in the public interest in various Pennsylvania counties," according to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development.

Chadds Ford Township manager Lacey Faber said during the Nov. 20 board workshop that the Historical Society asked the township to apply for the grant on its behalf. If awarded, the $250,000 grant money would be used for the society’s interpretive center.

“They’ve already received a little over $300,000 in funding and they’re looking to submit an LSA grant to continue getting funding for the project. They are not allowed to submit an LSA grant as a nonprofit and they need a partnership with a municipality,” Faber said.

The vote was 3-0.

While not a voting item at the meeting, the three supervisors are in favor of drafting a resolution in support of Chester Water Authority.

CWA is owned by the city of Chester which has experienced financial problems and filed for bankruptcy two years ago. A possible sale of CWA to Aqua PA, which some people contend will increase water bills.

Supervisor’s Vice Chairman Timotha Trigg said residents have written to the board who are concerned over the possibility of CWA being dissolved.

“There’s growing concern that dissolving CWA will negatively impact those who rely on CWA for their water, including increased rates,” Trigg said. “The Octorara Reservoir, the source of CWA’s water is also a concern to many, as it is a public space and there are fears that will change once CWA is dissolved.”

She added, “[The sale] seems like it clearly would be a good thing not to happen.”

Fellow Supervisors Kathleen Goodier and Samantha Reiner said they are in favor of supporting CWA. Faber said a formal resolution would be on the agenda for a meeting in the near future.

Supervisors also officially announced meeting date changes for 2025. The Board of Supervisors will be meeting on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month (instead of the first and fourth), the Planning Commission will meet on the first Wednesday (instead of the second), and the Open Space Committee will meet on the third Wednesday.

The next regularly scheduled meeting for the Chadds Ford Board of Supervisors is Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m. at Turner’s Mill.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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