Birmingham Township supervisors Monday night received an update on a proposed multiuse development for a property at Route 202 and Penn Oaks Drive, but it may take a few more months before supervisors give their approval.
Attorney Alyson Zarro said her client, Allied Properties, wants to build a three-story, 31,300-square-foot building on the 2.9-acre site. She added that the Planning Commission has already granted its recommendation for the project. The structure would be home to offices, retail shops, and restaurants, but no tenants are yet lined up. Zarro explained that her client wants to make sure several details are settled first before seeking tenants.
(Zarro is with the firm Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco. Supervisors’ Vice Chairman Michael Shiring is also with Riley Riper Hollin & Colagreco and has recused himself from the proceedings on this project.)
At issue are a sewer connection and what, if any, changes would be required for the intersection. Specifically, should there be a right-turn lane on the northbound side of Route 202 as it approaches Penn Oaks Drive?
The sewer application needs to go through the Chester County Health Department, and any decision on modifying the intersection would be based on a PennDOT recommendation.
“I’ve been wrong about PennDOT before,” said traffic engineer Chris Williams, “but PennDOT is unlikely to recommend a right turn lane.”
Williams said the intersection “works well now,” meaning there are few delays at 202 and Penn Oaks. He said the intersection operates at a grade of “C” during morning and afternoon drive times and at a “B” level on Saturdays at midday. Williams added that under those conditions, the development wouldn’t cause enough impact to change the intersection.
Also under consideration is a sidewalk with an ADA ramp on the southeast corner of the intersection. However, Allied Properties doesn’t own the land where the potential sidewalk or right turn lane would be located, so an easement would be needed.
Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse the board has “no real issues” with the plan but isn’t ready to grant approval just yet. However, he added that if the county Health Department OK’s the sewer connection within the next month, approval could come as soon as September.
Other business
• The board named Police Chief Tom Nelling as the temporary emergency management coordinator following the resignation of Michael Hochhaus. Nelling has been the deputy EMC.
• Supervisors also granted HARB-recommended certificates of appropriateness for projects at four properties in the historic district. The board approved certificates for some exterior renovation for a property at 1010 Revolutionary Drive, a kitchen remodeling project at 1005 Radley Drive, a shed at 1101 Daniel Davis Lane, and a deck at 750 Birmingham Road.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.