A handful of residents from Constitution Drive let Pennsbury Township supervisors know that they aren’t happy with new parking restrictions on their street. Those restrictions went into effect in late January.
Supervisors’ Chairman Aaron McIntyre said the board made the decision to prohibit on-street parking because of traffic flow issues and safety concerns. There have been congestion problems and potential safety issues when people had family gatherings, especially during the holidays, or when there were construction vehicles on the street, he explained. So, the board amended the township code to prevent parking on both sides of Constitution Drive. He also said there had been similar problems on W. Pennsbury Way and that parking restrictions helped there.
But residents who live on the street said during the Feb. 15 meeting that parked cars are not the problem, speeding is.
Lisa Mullan said she understands the potential hazard, but that speed is the problem. “If parked cars slow traffic, that’s not a bad thing.” She added that restricting parking on one side of the street is OK, but not both.
Stacey Gallo echoed most of Mullan’s comments, adding that the hilly nature of the street is a problem when it snows.
“Cars fly through the street, but they slow down when they see parked cars. If you want parking restrictions, limit it to one side, or put up weather-related restrictions,” she said. She also suggested installing speed bumps.
Another resident, Tiffany Varghese agreed with both saying, “Keeping an eye on speed is more important than parking on the street.”
She added that she received no notice that the “No Parking” signs would be going up. “I just woke up one day and there they were.
Marty Ryan also agreed. He said restricting parking on the hill or during snowy weather would be OK, but not allowing parking on the street at all would reduce property values.
“All of us could support no parking on one side,” he said.
The supervisors made no decision during the meeting, but they are willing to review the matter.
Dan Boyle said he wants to see some data from the roadmaster before making a final decision, and Wendell Fenton said he might be able to support limiting the restriction to one side only. But then again, maybe not, he added.
McIntyre agreed that speed is a problem and might be willing to modify the restriction but still wants to keep people from parking on the street in bad weather. He added one more comment that might give residents some hope.
“The board is leaning heavily in your favor,” he said.
Other business
• The board agreed to enter a new five-year contract with Verizon as an Internet and fiberoptic television provider. Solicitor Tom Oeste said the township would get 5 percent of the gross receipts Verizon gets from Pennsbury residents.
• Supervisors appointed William C. Dugdale as a second alternate to the Zoning Hearing Board.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.