Chadds Ford Township supervisors last week authorized the distribution of more than $2 million to preserve 71 acres along Oakland Road. The bulk of the money has come from grants and a small portion from the township's open space fund.
The area is at 6 Oakland Road, previously approved for a planned residential development, but that fell through. The site will now be the Brinton Run Preserve.
According to Township Manager Maryann Furlong, Chadds Ford has been working with the North America Land Trust to secure the property since the summer of 2019. The legal owner of the property reached out to NALT to explore the possibility of a conservation purchase.
The township sought and later received a $500,000 grant from the Delaware County Greenways Open Space Fund in 2019. However, the total project cost, Furlong said, is $3.6 million before closing costs and other expenses.
Funds are from the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Plan, for $1.852 million, the Mt. Cuba Foundation for almost $732,000, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in the amount of $634,000, and the Delaware County Open Space Fund in the amount of $500,000, Furlong said.
"Chadds Ford Township was the applicant for the National Park Service Grant through the American Battlefield Protection Plan. The funds have been wired to our account and the township has wired those funds right back to out of our account to the tune of $1.823 million to the title company. The township also reached a memorandum of understanding with the NALT board and has committed to donating $250,000 in open space funds for the establishment of a maintenance and operation fund," Furlong said.
She added that the township would hold the conservation easement and trail agreement to ensure the land will be protected in perpetuity. Also, the township will hire the Brandywine Conservancy to monitor the easement.
"There will be limited public access," Furlong also said. But there will be a trail sometime in the future. Where that trail will be located is not yet determined.
Before the motions authorizing the distribution of funds, Supervisors' Vice-Chairman Samantha Reiner said not building a residential development and infrastructure needs such as sewage treatment facilities "is a huge, huge bonus to the community."
As of last week's vote, a total of almost $2.2 million of the total cost was distributed for the project.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.