Live music and an art gallery opening at Darlington Arts Center in Garnet Valley pick up the entertainment pace this Saturday, Feb. 9. Enjoyment begins with a gallery opening for area photographer Linda Braceland and purrs invitingly late into the evening with the enchanting vocals of Heidi Hayes.
At 6:30 p.m., Darlington unveils Braceland’s retrospective display, titled “Through My Eyes.” The work demonstrates the power of the photographic image to record what is seen and what is imagined.
This photography exhibit is a compilation of her vision as it developed. Initially recording what she encountered directly through the viewfinder, Linda began to see more by turning on her mind’s eye and inviting other possibilities by artistically manipulating the images. “We are happy to celebrate her journey of creative expression with this gallery opening and display,” says Carter Thompson.
Later, the soothing voice emanating from Heidi Hayes. will serve as the exclamation point, creating a perfect ending for an enjoyable night at the Arts Center. Darlington Coffee House concerts provide a perfect venue to share a cozy evening with exceptional talent. A varied slate of musicians continues through May. Tickets and table reservations are available at the center and online.
