Letter: Challenge Trump, Toomey

Dear Senator Toomey,

On Oct 3, the new National Wireless Emergency Alert System — Presidental Alerts — invaded the privacy of all Americans by coming directly to all cell phones in the USA, in the form of a test. This new tactic by Trump to send alerts to all citizens is fascism in our borders. This is an abuse of power. Trump is planning a false emergency so he can take over every aspect of our government under that false pretense. And citizens can’t turn off these Presidential notifications. This is an overreach of power.

The Emergency Alert System has worked fine for decades without infringing on the privacy of citizens by invading their personal cell phones. With a nation as large as ours, do you really think we will have one national emergency that applies to all of us? Oh, yes, we already have that by having a child for president. Why this new system, so Trump can have immediate access to every American? We have lost all sense of the balance of powers. Our nation was founded on the separation of powers and a system where states have the right to govern our everyday lives, including notice of emergencies.

I believe this new alert system is a violation of the Fourth Amendment as it intrudes on our privacy by going straight into our cell phones. Where are Republicans who were once the champions of the right to privacy? Where are Republicans who claim to be "conservative" as our national debt grows to astronomical levels? This is propaganda building, just like the Third Reich used.

Will you stand up for democracy, Sen. Toomey, and denounce this latest tactic by Trump? It is terrifying and utterly depressing. I beg you to look anew at what this child is doing and stand up to his overreach.

Sally Warren
Kennett Square

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