Chadds Ford Township engineer Mike Schneider gave the public a quick update on the traffic counts along several intersections in the township. Schneider said the work is almost complete and the township should have all the data by May 5.
The counts are in reaction to the approved commercial development at Route 202 and Ridge Road in Concord Township at its border with Chadds Ford.
Concord supervisors gave approval for that development in 2008 with the condition that Chadds Ford sign off on any highway improvements. Among those improvements are a plan to widen Ridge Road to six lanes between Route 202 and Pheasant Lane.
Many Chadds Ford residents are concerned about the increased traffic and Supervisors’ Chairman Frank Murphy said earlier this year he wouldn’t sign off until resident concerns are addressed. He can’t speak publicly on the issue now because of potential litigation.
Schneider said the traffic count work is coming in at $2,700, well below the $5,000 authorized. Intersections involved are Route 202 at Ridge, Ridge at Heyburn and at Ring. The other intersections are along Route 202 from Route 1 to Smithbridge Roads.
Schneider made the comments during the supervisors’ April 26 workshop.
There was also a brief discussion on the roundabout being built on Hillman Drive at its intersection with Evergreen Place. The roundabout is part of the preliminary approval given to The Henderson Group for its plan to extend Hillman Drive from Route 202 to Route 1.
There is a detour in place for the residents of the Estates at Chadds Ford and, according to Schneider, bus drivers from the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District will be making some test runs around the roundabout this Friday to make sure buses can safely negotiate the circles.
Also during the workshop, supervisors approved an update to the township’s Comprehensive Plan and said volunteers are needed to fill several vacancies.
Those vacancies include one on the Planning Commission and another on the Rachel Kohl Library Board. Additionally, the Walkable Chadds Ford Committee is looking for two volunteers to help complete that group’s tasks.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.