Plans set for Annual MLK CommUNITY Day

The 16th Annual MLK CommUNITY Day breakfast is scheduled for for January 16, 2017 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the Red Clay Room, 423 Dalmation Street in Kennett Square.  The Breakfast, as part of the entire MLK CommUNITY Day, is scheduled to be held on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.  Tickets are on sale now for this very popular celebration event.

"The Board of Directors of the MLK CommUNITY has been working hard since the summer on the entire day’s events,” says Carol Black, Board President. "We are excited to continue the vision of our founder, Mabel L. Thompson, to create a beloved community in the Greater Southern Chester County area,” says Black.

Mildred “Mit” Joyner, Emerita Director and Professor, West Chester Universitybe Mildred “Mit” Joyner, Emerita Director and Professor, West Chester University. Photo Credit: Bob Laramie
Mildred “Mit” Joyner, Emerita Director and Professor, West Chester University. Photo Credit: Bob Laramie

The speaker for the MLK Breakfast will be Mildred “Mit” Joyner, Emerita Director and Professor, West Chester University, whose keynote theme will be “Unity: Working Together For Social Change.”  Mit is a local personality that has a long career of significant achievements in social work, higher education, child welfare, board positions, and is currently the President and Owner of MCJ Consultants in West Chester, PA.

The MLK CommUNITY Day started with a breakfast that Mabel organized to help realize a longstanding dream.  The organization has grown tremendously from the breakfast to a day of sharing (service), food and cash drives to benefit the local Kennett Area Community Service food bank, scholarships, book sales, coffee and conversation fellowships, and much more. “Our mission is to revitalize in our community Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of peace and harmony among all people,” says Black.  “We are thrilled that our community can gather ‘round once again this January”.

A new change this year will be the timing of the food drive. “The Board decided that the food drive will take place during March 20-31, 2017,” says Black.  “The Kennett area food cupboard has a nice surplus in January, due to the generous giving that takes place over the holiday season.  So, the Board decided it would be more helpful to do the MLK CommUNITY food drive in March, when there is greater need in the community.  However, anyone wishing to bring a non-perishable food item to the breakfast is welcomed to do so and can also contribute coins to our ‘Change for Change’ program at the Franklin Mint Credit Union on Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square, on Saturday, January 14, 2017,” says Black.

Volunteer opportunities are available and sponsorships are on a first-come-first-served reservation.   To find out how you can volunteer during any part of this wonderful community event, be a sponsor the breakfast, or to purchase tickets for the breakfast, visit the website at: or send an email to [email protected].   And, follow them on Facebook wat

About MLKCommunity:  For many years, a non-profit service organization with a vision to create a beloved community in the Greater Southern Chester County that provides opportunities for fellowship, service, justice, and the eradication of poverty. MLKCommunity is a tax exempt, charitable organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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