Favorite Chesco vistas could win prizes

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The Chester County Planning Commission is seeking shots of county attractions for a photo contest.

The Chester County Planning Commission is offering residents a creative photo opportunity.

It is seeking submissions for a photo contest that focuses on favorite places to have fun, take a walk, or just relax in Chester County. The contest is part of Chester County’s update process for its comprehensive plan, which currently falls under the banner of Landscapes2. The update – Landscapes3 – will help Chester County to continue to promote smart growth in the county, protect open space, and revitalize the county’s towns and communities.

The photo contest is open to anyone who lives, works, or plays in Chester County. Prizes for the winning photos will be awarded, and the contest runs through Nov. 25. To submit a photo, go to http://www.chescoplanning.org.

In addition to prizes for the top three photos, participants may have their photo featured in the Landscapes3 plan or on the website.

Photo contest prizes were donated by Dansko, a West Grove-based footwear company; Longwood Gardens; and the Brandywine Conservancy and Museum of Art. The first-place winner will receive a Dansko gift card and prize package valued at $225. A Longwood Gardens $150 gift card will go to second place, and third place will win Brandywine River Museum admission tickets and Millstone Café lunch vouchers for a party of four, valued at $125.

In addition to prizes for the top three photos, participants may have their photo featured in the Landscapes3 plan or on its website.





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