High school students and their parents will be able to trick-or-treat for higher education at the Exton Square Mall on Monday, Oct. 31, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., when representatives from over 230 colleges nationwide will gather for the 2016 Chester County College Fair.

Attendees will be able to complete a cross-country higher education tour in a matter of hours as they navigate the college and university booths. Coordinated by the Chester County Intermediate Unit, the fair is open to the general public and admission is free. More than 5,000 students from 45 area high schools are expected to visit the fair and explore their post-graduation options, said a CCIU press release.
Students and parents are invited to meet with representatives from colleges and universities across the U.S, as well as nursing schools, junior colleges, community and technical colleges, trade and skill schools and branches of the military. In addition to discussing entrance requirements, financial aid, campus life and academic programs with the counselors, participants will also walk away with informational brochures and catalogs; as well as some tasty Halloween treats.
This year’s fair will have the added bonus of special financial aid presentations to guide families through the FAFSA application process. In addition, students can learn about scholarship opportunities and get their financial aid questions answered.
“The fair will feature over 230 colleges and institutions from across the country, saving families time and money on college visits and helping students to narrow down their top choices,” Jennifer Shealy, CCIU special events coordinator, said in the release.
Shealy added that students and families would have the opportunity to visit with career and technical schools, such as the Automotive Training Center, the CCIU Practical Nursing Program and representatives from the armed forces.
Among the participating local colleges and universities are Drexel University, West Chester University, Widener University, University of Delaware, Millersville University, Delaware County Community College, Temple University and Cabrini University. Representatives from more distant institutions will also be present, including James Madison University, Virginia Tech, Gallaudet University, the University of Tampa, American University, and Colorado Mesa University.
The Exton Square Mall Chick-fil-A will also be donating a percentage of sales back to support the program during the fair. Stop by and mention the college fair to help support next year’s college fair.
The College Fair is organized by the CCIU on behalf of the guidance counselors of Chester County. This year’s fair was made possible in part by sponsors, including CCRES Educational and Behavioral Health Staffing Services, Wells Fargo and Advanced College Planning Solutions. More information regarding the college fair, including an up-to-date list of participating schools, can be found on the CCIU’s website at www.cciu.org/collegefair. Check often for updates, as colleges and institutions are added daily.
The Chester County Intermediate Unit is an educational service agency that exists to provide quality, cost-effective services to the community and its residents. The CCIU administers instructional, enrichment and administrative programs and services to Chester County’s 12 public school districts and to over 45 private and parochial schools in the county.
