Those Tough Mudders are returning to Chester County this weekend to display their prowess on a 10- to 12-mile course that includes obstacles such as Electroshock Therapy and Quagmire – and they will happily pay for the privilege.

Tough Mudder Philly will take place on Saturday, May 21, and Sunday, May 22, at Plantation Field in West Marlborough Township. Participants will challenge their strength, grit, stamina and teamwork. And although the venue will be the same as the last Tough Mudder event in October, the similarities end there.
Organizers promise a dramatically different set of obstacles. So the course’s pastoral rolling hills, hay fields, and gurgling creeks will keep the competitors wondering what challenge lies around the next turn – the Block Ness Monster perhaps?
In the past six years, Tough Mudder has staged more than 200 events in six countries, with each drawing an average of 12,000 participants. In the process, it has raised more than $10 million for the Wounded Warrior Project®.

Tough Mudder participants – known as “Mudders” – range from veterans to business executives to 81-year-old grandfathers. More than 95 percent of Mudders sign up as part of a team. And for many, Tough Mudder is more than just a weekend event, it’s a lifestyle. More than 5,000 Mudders have reportedly had the Tough Mudder logo tattooed on their bodies.
And make no mistake: The event is aptly named. A large tent is set up for shoe donations, which most participants use since their footwear is generally unrecognizable at the end of the event. A hose set-up is nearby, which is another popular feature for rinsing off the many layers of mud.
Those who aren’t interested in creating muddy memories are encouraged to purchase spectator tickets and enjoy an exciting vicarious experience. Just like in a sports stadium, Tough Mudder spectators and fans energize Mudders, and discounted tickets are available for spectators who register before event day.
Spectators can also explore the action-packed base area, which features music, refreshments, sponsor activations and exclusive Mudder Village obstacles for both participants and spectators to try out.
For information on tickets and parking options, visit Plantation Field is located at 387 Green Valley Road in Coatesville.
