Free ‘Pillow Play’ to awaken young audience

The Hadley Memorial Fund, now in its 52nd season,  will present “Pillow Play” by the Wilmington Drama League Children’s Theater on Saturday, May 14, at the London Grove Friends Meeting.

The Chrysalis Players’ popular Pillow Plays series brings theatre to audiences aged 10 and under. Pillow plays have become a local phenomenon as these short plays have been taken to local libraries and schools, including the Newark Free Library, Woodlawn Library, the Mary Campbell Center and now The Hadley Fund, according to a Hadley press release.

The focus of the pillow play is on drama and theatre education. In the desert of an electronic age, live theatre provides an oasis of “face-to-face” communication. Children should bring a pillow to sit on.

The London Grove Friends Meeting is located at 500 West Street Road in Kennett Square. The play is expected to run about 1 ½ hours.

All Hadley Fund events are free and open to the public. For more information, call 610-444-1855 or visit To register, click here.

The Hadley Fund has been bringing free lectures and performances to the region for more than five decades. The program started in 1962 when Hal Holbrook presented “A Night with Mark Twain.” Other performers have included Martin Luther King Jr., Linus Pauling, Julius Erving, Marian Anderson, Alex Haley, Ogden Nash and Gloria Steinem.




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