The Chester County Antiques Show is being chaired this year by four family members and longtime supporters of the event, according to the Chester County Historical Society.

The theme of the 34th Annual Chester County Antiques Show may be “Tomfoolery,” but its chairs – Dale and Susan Frens and Basel and Colleen Frens – are taking their responsibilities quite seriously.
The show, a major fundraiser for the society, attracts visitors and collectors every year to view its variety of items and furniture. This year’s event will begin on Friday, April 1, with a preview party, ending on Sunday, April 3. The public is invited to sponsor as well as attend.
In an interview with the society, Dale Frens said he and his wife, who own and operate Frens and Frens Restoration Architects, have been part of the Antiques Show Committee since the first year the show moved to QVC. Their son Basel and his wife, Colleen Frens, co-chaired the preview party in 2015.
Dale Frens said Chester County and the Phelps School offer a perfect venue for the show. “The Antiques Show is so related to the mission statement of CCHS,” he said. “Material culture can most profoundly be appreciated at a museum level, but antiques also create connections with historic aesthetics, values, technology, and craft.”
Frens said this year’s theme, “Tomfoolery,” got its inspiration from the calendar. “The opening party is on April 1, so let's make it a party,” he said, adding that he is looking forward to lectures that “are both whimsical and substantive.
He said the organizers’ goal is “to create a show that is enjoyable to attend, is good for the dealers, and remains the cornerstone of the society's fundraising.”
The preview party will be held Friday, April 1, at the Phelps School; early admission at 5 p.m. is $200 per person, and 6 p.m. regular admission is $130 per person. On Saturday, April 2, general admission from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. is $15 per person and includes lecture. The cost is the same on Sunday, but the hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
To reserve tickets, call 610-692-4800 or email [email protected]. Or click here to purchase tickets online through PayPal.
