With the real possibility of this winter’s first significant storm of the season, the Blood Bank of Delmarva is urging blood donors to strongly consider donating the gift of life before travel on area roadways becomes an issue.
“Cold and flu season has started to take its toll on our donor base,” said Michael Waite, director of marketing and community relations at the Blood Bank. “In addition, we’ve supported multiple traumas since the beginning of the year, which has caused a significant increase in blood utilization and has taken a toll on our local inventory. If we experience the type of storm they’re calling for, our supply situation could become critical very quickly.” It takes an average of 350 donors a day to supply the blood and blood products that local hospitals need to treat their patients.
As Blood Bank of Delmarva wraps up the celebration of National Blood Donor Month, which runs through January, there’s still time for donors to become eligible for BBD’s Winter Blood Challenge and the chance to win an LG 60” Ultra HD Smart TV.
Blood Bank of Delmarva operates five permanent donor centers throughout the Delmarva region, as well as more than 30 mobile donation locations. Blood can be safely donated every 56 days as long as an individual is at least 17 years of age, weighs at least 110 pounds and is in generally good health. Platelets can be donated every two weeks as long as the donor has a height, weight and platelet count ratio that is conducive to giving. Over 35 pefcent of the US population is eligible to give blood, but only 5 percent actually do.
For more information about the Blood Bank or to schedule a donation appointment, please call 1 888 8-BLOOD-8 or visit www.DelmarvaBlood.org. You can also download BBD’s mobile app and schedule an appointment on your mobile device. Although appointments are preferred, walk-in donors are always welcome.
