Op/ed: Barbone is a leader

“I support Noelle Barbone for supervisor of Chadds Ford Township. I’ve had the privilege of knowing Noelle for many years and have recently served with her on the Historic and Architecture Review Board (HARB). Noelle is always prepared, professional and thoughtful in her approach to township matters and she will continue to apply these traits as supervisor.  As chair of the Strategic Advisory Committee, Noelle recently organized and ran the first “Visioning Workshop” with more than two dozen township residents in order to understand the goals of Chadds Ford residents for the protection of open space, development of recreational opportunities and support of historical resources. This Workshop was the first step in a review of the township Comprehensive Plan and was, simply put, the best exercise of this sort I have ever attended in my years of volunteering in Chadds Ford. It was a dynamic, helpful and consensus-building exercise that helped to focus township officials and residents on how our Township will function in both the short and long term.

Leadership is not just creating a vision, but executing that vision. Turning a vision into a reality is often a more challenging exercise. In this regard, Noelle’s track record is impeccable. She has been a committed volunteer in our township for many years both on HARB and on the Strategic Advisory Committee. She attends and participates in meetings, follows up as needed and provides informed and thoughtful input. For instance, Noelle recently attended a Planning Commission meeting where the item under discussion was the completion of Hillman Drive (the final loop road.) The completion of Hillman Drive is, in my opinion, the most significant development to be proposed in our township in the last five years and quite possibly longer. It could impact hundreds of families, affect the flow of traffic in the township and open up a number of now-undeveloped parcels for future commercial use. Noelle was at the meeting (along with two current supervisors) studying the proposed plan. Despite his campaign claim to “work to minimize traffic and promote road safety” for a “driveable Chadds Ford,” Noelle’s opponent in this election did not show up for this extremely important meeting.

It is a privilege to serve this wonderful township in an elected or appointed capacity, but it is also a significant sacrifice of time and energy. We need supervisors with a commitment to follow-through and a dedication to put in the time necessary to be successful for our community. Noelle has the experience, the temperament, the work ethic and the demonstrated dedication necessary to be an outstanding township supervisor. I hope you will join me in voting for her on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Craig B. Huffman
Chadds Ford Township
Craig Huffman is chairman of the
Chadds Ford Planning Commission.


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