Letter to the Editor: Going backwards at U-CFSD

Unionville-Chadds Ford High School is ranked seventh in Pennsylvania and is a top 500 school nationally, according to US News and World Reports. More than 50 percent of U-CF students take AP courses and more than 92 percent of students score proficient on benchmark exams. If parents are looking for a place to settle down and raise their kids, you can’t go wrong with U-CFSD.

Look at the School District’s Website, the sheer quantity of community events happening in the District is staggering: books sales, Relay for Life, art shows, fashion shows, Walk for Water — and that’s just in the last two weeks.

There is a lot of reasons school districts reach gold-standard status like we have in Unionville-Chadds Ford. At the top of the list is the teaching faculty. All the high test scores, nationwide rankings, bevy of community events, are all achieved, in part, by the hard work of the district’s teachers. Teachers volunteering their time to provide AP test prep, before or after school tutoring and mentor and advise all these student and community events, many of which help to raise money to fight disease, support our veterans or help our most vulnerable citizens.

The outcome of all this service and sacrifice — a school board that wants to strip away even more from its staff. Many teachers in the district haven’t had a raise since 2012, have paid more for their healthcare and, what’s worse, the district wants to extend these practices for another three years. If the School Board succeeds, many teachers would find themselves making less money next year than they did in 2012. Is the School Board really looking to go backwards? Why would a teacher want to work in U-CF if they can find better pay and benefits in at least four other Chester County districts?

You are going to hear a lot from the School Board as negotiations move forward. This is a district in the heart of one of America’s wealthiest counties. The teachers aren’t looking to fleece anyone of their hard-earned money, but after years of making sacrifices to help our community, a fair raise and reasonable benefit costs are warranted.

What the School Board is proposing to do would erode much of what has been accomplished over the last generation in this School District. If our residents, parents and community members want to maintain the high quality services and standards that make this community one of the area’s most sought after locations to buy a home and raise a family, then please get involved and help us stop what this School Board is looking to do. You can start by visiting: www.facebook.com/UCFEA.

Scott Broomall, President Unionville-Chadds Ford Education Association

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Enlightened

    Can’t blame the teachers for the drop in ranking, the buck stops with the superintendent, who by the way, was just given a 15% raise. So he deserves a raise? Name one thing he has done for this district other than destroy morale.

  2. mjwalter

    Why are so many people hung up on rankings? Is there really that much difference between 1st and 20th? Just want my kid to get a good education.

    Mr Broomall should have someone proofread his letters. “There is a lot of reasons…” A 5th grader knows that’s incorrect grammar.

    A 5 percent raise? Really? This is not a 5 percent raise economy. Not an 8 percent raise economy either?

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