On Oct. 1, Chadds Ford Live published a news story “Barrar takes aim for the 10th term.” In that article, it listed some of Representative Barrar’s accomplishments over the years. I found it ironic that one of his “accomplishments” was omitted. He sponsored a bill (and I believe it passed) to outlaw gay marriage in the Commonwealth (now a moot point). But what really struck me was how rabid his stance on gay relationships was in that bill. He didn't stop with outlawing gay marriage; he tried to outlaw all legal rights and benefits associated with any same sex relationship. He wanted state government employers to deny couples health care benefits and the like.
Why is this important? Because Representative Barrar wanted to impose punitive government policies to a group of people he disliked. His bill hurt gay families throughout the Commonwealth. This act sadly tells me a lot about the man who represents our district. No elected official should try to enact any legislation that intentionally punishes a group of his constituents he doesn't like.
Michael Zeik
Concord Townhip
