BNY returns as sponsor for Radnor Hunt

CBNY Mellon Wealth Management will continue its generous support of the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art's mission to protect open space as Presenting Sponsor for the 84th Radnor Hunt Races, Saturday, May 17, at the Radnor Hunt in Malvern, Pennsylavania."BNY Mellon Wealth Management has long been committed to our community and, as a firm that has served multiple generations of families for more than two centuries, we think it's vital to support the protection of its open space for our children and grandchildren to enjoy," Regional President David Kutch said.
Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art's Executive Director Virgina A. Logan states, "We are deeply grateful for BNY Mellon Wealth Management's 30-year support of the Radnor Hunt Races.  BNY Mellon's steadfast commitment to this event since 1985 has played a key role in the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art's ability to protect precious natural resources and open space.  The BNY Mellon team are talented professionals whose recognition of the importance of open space to our community makes them an important partner in achieving our shared goals."Each year, nearly 20,000 spectators gather at the Radnor Hunt Races to enjoy tailgate picnics, a carriage parade and six steeplechase races. All proceeds benefit the open space and clean water programs of the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art.


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MEDIA CONTACTS: Hillary Holland and Lora Englehart
[email protected], 610-388-8337

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