To borrow an old phrase: There will be no new taxes in Chadds Ford, not going into 2014 at least.
Supervisors, on Dec. 4, unanimously passed the budget for next year without raising any taxes. The current millage rate of 0.787 will remain for most property owners. Those whose property is in a fire hydrant district will continue to pay a rate of 0.882 mills. A mill is a tax of $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property value.
The budget is balanced with income and expenses anticipated at slightly more $1.2 million.
Property, open space and local enabling taxes represent the largest sources of income. They total $637,694, more than half the projected income.
The major portion of anticipated costs pertain to road and highway services. That total comes to almost $300,000. Wages and benefits for township manager, secretary and treasurer add another $176,000, while legal and engineering costs are anticipated at a combined $133,500.

Other business
• The Dec. 4 meeting was the last regularly scheduled meeting for Deborah Love as supervisor. She did not get the Republican Party’s endorsement to run for another term. Frank Murphy will replace her on the board beginning in January.
Supervisor George Thorpe thanked Love at the beginning of the meeting for her years of service to the township. At the end of the meeting, Love thanked the people of Chadds Ford, saying it had been “an honor to serve for 12 years.”
• Picking up on business from last month, the board acted on an appeal from Dave Kelleher, the owner of David Dodge. Kelleher renovated his dealership and had been assessed $8,600 for open space as part of the Fee in Lieu ordinance.
The ordinance requires a donation of land or a fee in lieu of land for developers who develop a certain amount of land or for others who renovate property.
Love, last month, suggested that the fee charged be lowered to $1,500 because of assistance Kelleher has given to the township over the years. However, Supervisor Keith Klaver objected.
The resolution was passed with a provision allowing Kelleher to appeal, which he did. The board voted Dec. 4 to lower the fee to $3,500.
• The board also voted 3-0 to allow a request for a zoning text amendment to go forward to the Planning Commission and the Delaware County Planning Department. If approved, the change would allow for assisted living facilities in the B-business district.
Such a facility — a three-story structure on Route 202 — is being sought. The location is the former site of C Harry B 4 U Buy.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.