• A plan to turn the parking lot at the former Pulsations night club into a townhouse development is now officially on the books in Concord Township. As previously reported, The Benson Companies made a preliminary presentation for the proposed construction of a 58-unit residential complex in June. No action was taken at the time, but township supervisors have accepted the plan for consideration. As part of the process, supervisors have authorized for advertising a zoning amendment that would allow for residences to be built on the former business site. The plan must still go through the Planning Commission before being sent to the supervisors for their approval.
• Supervisors announced that they will render, on July 31, their decision on a liquor license application for Terrain at Styers.
• A West Goshen resident asked Concord Township supervisors to enact an ordinance prohibiting skateboarding on Thornton Road. She told supervisors that she nearly hit 10 of them one day while driving on the township road. Supervisors’ Chairman Dominic Pileggi said he didn’t realize that there was no state law against the activity and that he would have the township solicitor begin work on such an ordinance.
• Rufus Miley, of Leopard Run, told supervisors that speed humps on Smithbridge Road need painting.
