Saying ARE when you mean OUR
-NOTHER instead of OTHER
-ME and (insert other person) at the beginning of a sentence
-Between you and I
-With WHO when it is with WHOM
-MAD when someone is ANGRY
-Where it's AT
-You've GOT
-OH when it is the number ZERO
(Feel free to add to this list...)

-TVs in restaurants other than bars (conversation anyone?)
-TVs in Spas and Nail Salons (day of relaxation?)
-TVs in every possible waiting room (I’m already upset. I don’t need CNN.)
-TVs blaring everywhere (PLEASE. Use the closed captioning)
-Loud talking in libraries. And while we are at it, group”storytime” for children under five just does not end well.
-Cell phone conversations during your haircut
-Signs with the words “10 items or LESS” (It’s a number. Write FEWER)
-Banking on-line. (Need I explain how the internet works?)
-Safe deposit boxes that are no longer in a SAFE. (Ask your bank.)
-Putting infants in “daycare” (Ever been to an orphanage? No difference.)
-Decorating the outside of a funeral home for Halloween. (seriously?)
-Driving children to the end of their driveways for the school bus.
-Wearing sunglasses indoors.
-Chewing gum at a wedding. (Wait until you see yourself in the pictures.)
-C’mon guys. Take your hats off during the game’s National Anthem.
-Male newscasters wearing a suit and tie while the females dress for a picnic.
-Discontinuing to teach cursive. (We still need signatures, people.)
-Small children saying, “Oh my GOD!”
-Still dating on-line? Check the local fraud websites (same people)
Whew…I need a nap.
‘finished’ instead of ‘done’. A turkey is done. I finished reading a book!
Let’s not forget there, their and they’re!!
He was hung by a rope. (hanged)
The difference between its and it’s.
Over use of the word ‘like’ (Unless, of course, you are, like, a California girl.)
Let’s add improper use of the possessive “it’s when “it is” is made into a contraction.
Do you think AOL started the “you’ve got” when they began the “you’ve got mail” thing?
I appreciate your whole list, and I doubt if it will have any impact at all. I believe it comes from people reading less than they used to, and not seeing in print what I was taught was proper English.
Thank you for all the added comments. Glad to know I am not alone in my quest for clarity.
By the way, many years ago, the Pennsylvania license plates’ statement for PA was “You’ve Got a Friend in PA”. That did not last very long….
You would be surprised at how many current children’s storybooks are grammatically incorrect.
I dislike contractions.
Most people will turn up their noses at the use of ain’t but do you know the origin? Am I not. Ain’t. Contractions came about from the slurring of words. Watch an old black and white film where actors took speaking lessons. You will not hear a contraction. They might not be, but they sound intelligent.
Here is another piece of useless trivia. The use of Mrs. as the abbreviation of Missus is incorrect. The Webster definition of Missus is “female head of the house” (well maybe not in a current dictionary…). But that is another story.
Mrs. is the evolution of Mr.’s (Yes, that is right. His property.) Before 1970’s laws, property owners were listed on deeds as Mr. and Et Ux (abbreviation of Et Uxor, Latin words for “and wife”, i.e. Mr.’s). We should have gone with Mss. instead of the awkward and difficult to say Ms.
Let me see. I am cranky tonight; what else do I dislike?
Christmas lights dangling after mid-January. (Get off the couch.)
New cars taking up two parking spaces. (Are you not dying to run your keys down the side? Admit it.)
Cell phones flickering like fireflies in darkened concert halls. (We also hear you tapping.)
Coupons, Groupons, Buy One Get One Free. (Want to save money? Just stop buying stuff.)
Hearing “It’s my PLEASURE”, from a 19 year old, at the fast food window. (No need to explain.)
Parents walking away from shopping carts with a baby in the seat. (I want to move the cart just to teach them a lesson, but would probably be arrested.)
A bride and groom, in full ballroom attire, shuffling around for their first dance. (It is a big day. Learn to waltz. If he really loves you, he will.)
Most friendships are just people with the same enemies.
(You know it is true…)
Alright. I am finished (not DONE) for now.