SOLD – Former Chadds Ford Township Building

Disposition of the old Chadds Ford Township building took 15 minutes at the announced meeting. The sole bidder won the day. Brandywine Conservancy bid $120,000, the appraised value, and was awarded the building at auction.

Jim Duff, Executive Director, said that the Conservancy purchased the property to preserve the historical nature of the village. There are no plans for use of the building at this time.

At Hugh Donahue’s advice, the original bid was rejected because it was submitted with stipulation. The request for bid specifically said that there were not to be any stipulations. The Conservancy was ruled exempt from that requirement because it is a not-for-profit organization.

A façade easement for three sides and the roof will keep the appearance of the building as it is now. The Conservancy has retained the right to modify the back of the building.

Deborah Love, Township Supervisor, expressed that the building would be better cared for with its new owner than it was under Township ownership. Garry Paul said the township isn’t in the building maintenance business, and George Thorpe agreed.

Ten thousand dollars of good faith money has been given to Chadds Ford Township for the bidding process and will be retained. The balance of the payment due will be spread over ten years. George Thorpe said there is no designation for the income from the sale of the building and that it will go into Township general funds for the time being.

About Emily Myers

Emily Myers has lived and worked in Chadds Ford for over thirty five years.  She founded the parent company of Chadds Ford Live, Decision Design Research, Inc., in 1982. represents the confluence of Myers' long time, deep involvement in technology and community. Myers was a founding member of the Chadds Ford Business Association and currently serves on its board of directors.  Her hobbies include bridge, golf, photography and Tai Chi. She lives with her husband, Jim Lebedda, in Chadds Ford Township.

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