In keeping with their 40th year celebration the CFHS honored several members at the annual meeting as Lifetime Members of the Society. The members honored were Susan Hauser, Dave and Judy Murtagh and Peter and Voula Skiadas. All were honored with a plaque and lifetime memberships to the Chadds Ford Historical Society. The Chadds Ford Historical Society thanks all 5 members and appreciates all the time, effort and donations they have all made to the Chadds Ford Historical Society over the many years they have been involved.
Kicking off the spring season this year for the Chadds Ford Historical Society is the new exhibit “From Moo to You; Dairying in the Chadds Ford Area”. This wonderful exhibit opens with a reception on Friday, May 15, 5:30 - 8 p.m. The exhibit consists of items within the dairy industry donated for the exhibit from local farmers and members of the Chadds Ford Historical Society. Dairying is still going strong in our area and it is an intensive farming life with no days off! Milk and Milk products are all still in high demand. This exhibit shows dairying from the early years to modern day times. It also introduces everyone to the local agricultural heritage still going strong today. So stop by in May to view the new Spring 2009 Exhibit at the Chadds Ford Historical Society Barn. For information call 610 388 7376 or visit
The society is also reopening its historic houses for the season.
The John Chads’ House is open Saturday, May 2 through Sunday, September 6, and features beehive oven baking most weekends. The Barns-Brinton House & Tavern will be open from Saturday, May 23 through Sunday, September 6 and features special Demonstrations including Hearth Cooking & Period Dressed Guides. Both houses are open weekends only from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $5 for one house with the second house free. Students ages 12 to 17 are $3 and admission is free for children 12 and under. The Barn Visitors Center is open year round from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. on weekends between May 23rd and September 6th. Admission to the Barn Visitors Center is free. Featured exhibit is “Moo to You” items within the dairy industry donated for the exhibit from local farmers and members of the Chadds Ford Historical Society.
