Business association expo a huge success

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Seventeen businesses took part in a special business expo put on by the Chadds Ford Business Association last week at the Hampton Inn on Route 1 in Concordville.

The April 2 luncheon drew a total 43 attendees, roughly twice the number of people who usually attend the CFBA monthly meetings.

Loretta Pitts, of Fulton Bank, is a member of the CFBA Board of Directors and one of the coordinators of the expo. She said the idea behind the special event was to further the group’s mission of having members help other members.

She said that while members have been attending lunches together for years, there are still some who don’t know what others do. The reason for that, she said, is because of individual workloads.

“We’re too busy in our own businesses, taking care of what we’re doing and our jobs in a daily routine. But when we need a service outside of our box it would be very nice to use somebody that is in the local community, [somebody] that offers the service. And we have quite a variety, quite a range,” Pitts said. “We need to get better acquainted so we can use each other when we need to.”

Bill Bunch, owner of William Bunch Action House, said the expo was much needed.

“It’s important for businesses in the Chadds Ford community to come together and talk about problems that we have in common,” Bunch said. “It’s very important that we get together like this not only to make each other aware of the businesses and services and products that we all offer to the public in general, but how we can help each other.”

Association president Jim Leader, of Leader Sunoco in the village of Chadds Ford, said he wanted the expo to be an annual event and Randi Penfil, of First Keystone Bank who helped coordinate the event with Pitts, said she couldn’t agree more, that it deserves to happen every year.

“There were a lot of people who came in who wanted a table and because we had already given out the spots we could not [accommodate them] so I believe it will be an annual event to allow more members to display there business,” Penfil said.

For the sake of full disclosure, is a member of the Chadds Ford Business Association and did display at the expo.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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