Concord approves two plans

Concord Township supervisors approved two land development plans during their May 2 meeting.

The first approval was for Concordville Subaru. The current dealership — with both Subarus and Nissans on the southbound side of Route 202 — is being split. The Subaru dealership will be a 30,000 square foot facility on the northbound side, at 1713 Wilmington West Chester Pike.

Concordville Subaru still needs approval from Chadds Ford Township because the entrance to the future dealership is in Chadds Ford.

Supervisors also approved the development of Neighborhood 3, phase 2, for the Maris Grove retirement facility on Evergreen Drive. The development includes two multi-story buildings with 263 units.

Other business

•  Township solicitor Hugh Donaghue said he expects the results of last week’s primary election to be certified sometime this month and that the Transition Committee — responsible for coordinating the township’s transition to a home rule township — should begin meeting in June.

Concord voters approved the move to home last week. The Transition Committee will be made up of two supervisors, two members of the Government Study Commission that created the charter, the township manager and two members of the community. The charter goes into effect Jan. 1, 2017.

• A May 17 conditional use hearing is planned for Avenue Kitchen. The restaurant, located in Glen Eagle Square, is seeking an amendment to its original conditional use approval to include outdoor seating and the sale of alcoholic beverages.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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