Concord, Wawa now agree on beer

When Concord Township supervisors agreed to a liquor license transfer and beer sales for Wawa, Wawa appealed the decision because of certain restrictions.

The original approval came in August of 2015, and the appeal came one month later. Attorney John Jaros said at the time that Wawa was appealing several conditions of the approval. One item concerned the hours of beer sales and the other concerned a limit of one beer consumed on-site per customer per day.

Supervisors, in a 4-0 vote (with one member absent), agreed on Feb. 2 to amend the conditions. Now Wawa may proceed with required changes to the store on Route 202 at Naaman’s Creek Road to comply with state laws to sell beer.

Jaros said in September that Wawa had no direct problem with the limit of one beer per customer per day, and that Wawa itself had suggested the limit. However, the company wanted that to be a self-imposed restriction, not as a mandated condition of approval.

Concord has now modified the condition. The onsite consumption of beer is still limited to one per customer per day, but the restriction is no longer part of the approval for the liquor license transfer. In making the change, according to township solicitor Hugh Donaghue, if Wawa would later choose to sell the liquor license, the future buyer would not be subject to that limit.

The original approval also said no beer could be sold after 10 p.m. Beer may now be sold until 11 p.m.

A third condition imposed was one that would require a Wawa employee to physically check the rear of the store for people lurking or hanging about the property. Wawa felt that this could put employees in danger. Supervisors agreed to change the requirement to allow for security cameras to check the premises.

Another condition required Wawa to pay $15,000 for traffic improvements. Wawa originally objected, but has now agreed to making the donation.

With the amended approval and Wawa’s acceptance of those changes, the company may go ahead and modify the store to create a 400-square-foot café area — required by state law — where six-packs of beer will be sold and customers can sit and drink their single beer. However, it’s not known when that work will start.

Other business

• Supervisors approved acceptance of a Greenways and Open Space Plan that, according to engineer Nate Cline, would allow the township to do a feasibility study for a network of trails throughout the township.

Part of the consideration is for the trail system to be part of an east coast system extending from Maine to Florida. In addition, portions of the old Octoraro rail system would be used for the trail system.

Several residents said they’re opposed to the rails-to-trails move because some of those rail lines run adjacent to or through their properties.

Cline repeated that the only thing the current approval does is allow for the feasibility study to see whether or not residents want the trail system

• There could be a change to Concord’s voting precincts. Supervisors authorized the creation of a petition that would add one more voting precinct in Maris Grove and rename all the precincts. At present, precincts are named according to compass points — North, Northeast, etc. The change would give the precincts numeric designations such as precinct 1, precinct 2 and so on. The petition goes to the Court of Common Pleas.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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